Introductory Bible Journaling Event
We want to share our first Bible Journaling Event with you. It took place last month in Tiverton Devon, at the Salvation Army, where we were invited to go and introduce people to bible journaling and to share a range of techniques and resources.

We were astounded that 30 people signed up to attend this first bible journaling event. During the preparation time we felt lead to study the text in Luke 15 telling the parable of Prodical Son told by Jesus.
At the beginning of the session we explained how bible journaling can be used as a method of prayer and mediation both personally or within a group. Different types of Journaling Bibles were shared along with an introduction to how bible journaling has assisted our personal faith journeys. We read the text from The Message Translation bible but changed the son into a daughter in the text as it was mainly women attending this event.
During the afternoon we explored three themes in the text, each also demonstrating a different bible journaling technique using a range of materials. We used Watercolour pencils and Watercolour paints to compare the different sons spoken about in the story. The son who went off and lived a life of sin, the son who stayed home but liked to live by the law. And then the Father (who gave his son) as a role model for us to follow to life lived by love. Having drawn the words to be kept uncoloured we then applied the colours. After they were dry we then used Microball White Pens to highlight the edge of each word. You can do this with any colour but we like the definition the white offers.
During the session people rotated around the three tables to try each demonstration and the next one we shared was using Clear Art Basics Gesso with napkins to show the celebration that the Father had upon the return of the son who was lost. We also discussed opposite words like lost/found and dead/alive and used these to highlight the page using a variety of fonts and coloured pens.
On the third table we demonstrated how to use acrylics without a paintbrush but rather using the edge of an old credit card. We applied three colours scattered around the page and then waited for them to dry, which is fairly quick with acrylic paints (please mind your clothes 'cos it doesn't come out). We then used a variety of stencils and stamps to celebrate the words that God views towards us. That we are precious, valued, costly and beloved. We spoke of how the story is set alongside two other parables, the first being about one sheep being lost in a hundred sheep, and then one coin lost from ten coins and finally one son lost for one Father to find. In this he shows the value of how much he values us and wants a one to one relationship with us.

Here's just a few of the photos from the day. Unfortunately we didn't get change to take many as we were too busy demonstrating and chatting to individuals about what they were learning about in their Bible Journalling process and about what God was speaking to them through it.
Please note you will not be charged any extra for purchasing from the afflicted links but Im sharing them as these as the products I like to use but cannot afford to stock them all. However by following the link I shall earn a little from your purchase. Many thanks.
So if you like the look of this and fancy having a go why not join us here in Taunton, at St Peter & St Pauls Church, on Jan 20th or you could invite us to your church to lead a session for a group of you there if you'd prefer. Just click on the photo below and it'll take you to the link for tickets for our next event.
If you do bible journalling and have already explored this text in Luke's Gospel please do share your creations to inspire us further. Or if you attended this event and haven't spotted your work please share your photos with us too. Thanks for reading. Our in our next blog we hope to record the journey of how came about. Until then. Bye and God Bless.