Introductory Bible Journaling Event
Introduction to Bible Journaling. Techniques and using different materials. Bible Study on the Prodigal Son in Luke's Gospel.

Bible Journaling Makeover
To get the paints that I use in this video click on the amazon link. You won't be charged more by Amazon by following this method by i...

New Greetings Cards
Today I have been adding lots of new greetings cards to our site. We now have three artists sharing their creative gifts. These square...

New Shop Banner Sign
We had a lovely new sign created ready to take to Westpoint Conference last week. We were so pleased with the quality of the print and it...

Fun Days
Hi I'm Haidee, one of the team from Holyhope.co.uk and we are all looking forward to introducing ourselves and our creativities to your

Unveiling of Holyhope
The unveiling of Holyhope took place at New Wine, Bath and Royal ShowGround in Somerset, UK. We were there for the week up on the balcony...